Welcome Back!

New gailbones.com (2010)

I have let this blog go by the wayside for quite some time. I have been writing my dissertation on children’s literature and character education. Between that and FB status updates, my writing energy has been exhausted.

But I have just launched a website to support my growing music ministry and this space will be the forum for me to make updates, announcements or to respond to comments from you.

I invite you to scroll back through some of my postings from the past, when I had more time to think deep thoughts and to write about them creatively rather than academically, which is my current lot in life 🙂

For those to whom I promised the lyrics to the second verse of More and More:

God, O Great God you are proud of the meek,
And your strength flows to those who admit they are weak.
Spirit, Holy Spirit, you set my soul on fire
But then the peace that you bring is my heart’s true desire.

I will be posting the video of the song from Daniel 2:20-22 as soon as I can. Keep checking back.

