
Psalm for the Broken-Hearted

Today in 1 Samuel 16, as I continued my study in the life of David, I read how God used the young shepherd’s love and talent for music to minister peace. When King Saul suffered from severe bouts of depression and fear, his servants suggested music therapy:

“Let us find a good musician to play the harp whenever the tormenting spirit troubles you. He will play soothing music and you will soon be well again.”

Whenever David played his harp for his king, Saul found relief. What a powerful gift God has given us in music!

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Living Crosswise: The Life of King David

As I begin to teach a series on the life of David for the women’s Bible study at my church, I can hardly contain my enthusiasm! All of the big themes the Lord has brought to my attention over the past few years are threaded throughout:

  • navigating the zigzag path of life’s relentless transition
  • honesty with God: a lifestyle of worship
  • transparency and vulnerability in relationships: mentoring
  • learning to be still
  • learning to be brave
  • bringing glory to God through the creative arts.

Although Joseph may run a close second, no one in Scripture had more ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows than David. And because he was a poet and songwriter, we get an intimate view into the heart of the man whose life exemplifies the truth that while change is constant, God is constant too.

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