Walk: The Letters of John Bible Study

Walk: The Letters of John is the third in a series of in-depth, inductive Bible studies designed to be used by small groups or individuals. Discipleship resources created by CrossWise Living Ministries are designed to promote intergenerational ministry and mentoring relationships.

Practical, encouraging, and inspirational, Walk: The Letters of John is a 7-week, interactive, intergenerational Bible study in the New Testament books of 1, 2 and 3 John. Designed for individuals or groups of all ages, this inductive study includes optional activities for mentoring and spiritual formation.

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The Book of Mark Bible Study

CrossWise Living: The Book of Mark is the second in a series of in-depth, inductive Bible studies designed to be used by small groups or individuals. Discipleship resources created by CrossWise Living Ministries are designed to promote intergenerational ministry and mentoring relationships.

Discover the heart, mind and strength of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in this inductive, interactive 10 Lesson Bible Study useful for both men and women. Groups of all ages will be inspired by this valuable resource for fostering cross-generational relationships.

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Living CrossWise: Navigating Transition Bible Study

Living CrossWise: Hope and Help for Navigating Transition


Gail’s 12 week Bible study Living CrossWise: Hope & Help for Navigating Transition combines metaphors from sailing with inspirational stories about life’s transitions and topical Bible study to promote cross-generational mentoring relationships.

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Everyone faces difficult life transitions on a regular basis. Living CrossWise teaches readers how to harness the power of the winds of change that propel us on a zigzag course through life’s transitions. Inspirational personal narratives, in-depth Bible studies, and pertinent discussion questions illustrate the three essential spiritual practices of Inward Inventory, Pinpoint Prayer, and CrossWise Counsel.

The cross provides a pattern for the three kinds of questions we must ask to successfully navigate transition. The vertical plank encourages us to look to God for specific guidance (Pinpoint Prayer) while we engage in disciplined self-reflection about the practical details of our lives (Inward Inventory). The crosspiece shows us the value of living life with arms wide open to the input of both the generation preceding and the one following us (CrossWise Counsel). The importance of cross-generational mentoring relationships is underscored in this interactive women’s ministry resource.

Women’s ministries will use this book as a tool for mentoring programs and Bible study groups. Because it is designed to promote and facilitate cross-generational mentoring relationships, its range of usefulness will extend from high school students through senior citizens. The biggest age group, Baby Boomers, is now heading into retirement and seeking opportunities to invest in the lives of young people—this book will provide the structure and motivation to help them attain their potential at this influential stage in life.

Dr. Bones and her ministry has been commended by Christian authors, leaders and ministry directors including Pam Farrel, Wayne Rice, Leanna Tankersley, and Virginia Friesen.

The Book of Ruth Bible Study

CrossWise Living: The Book of Ruth is the first in a series of in-depth, inductive Bible studies designed to be used by small groups or individuals. Discipleship resources created by CrossWise Living Ministries are designed to promote intergenerational ministry and mentoring relationships.

Women of all ages will be inspired by this 5-week, interactive study of the Book of Ruth, one of the Bible’s most beautiful stories of loyalty, love, and redemption.

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Bestowing the Blessing…

Bestowing the Blessing: Practical Strategies for Christian Educators


Christian teachers in the public schools who wish to improve student motivation and outcomes can effectively apply the strategies suggested by Smalley and Trent (1986) in The Blessing. Smalley and Trent set forth a five-fold plan for parents to bless their children with unconditional love and acceptance. The techniques of using meaningful touch, speaking words of honor, encouragement, and affirmation, and making an active commitment to student success are supported both by Scripture and research in educational best practices.

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Christian Perspectives in Education (CPE) is an online, peer-reviewed journal that focuses upon Christian perspectives in theory, research, and practices of education.

Christian Perspectives in Education is published by Liberty University’s School of Education. All views and opinions expressed within in the published articles are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views and/or opinion of Liberty University, the School of education, the CPE journal, or the editors. Published articles and all information within the publications are solely the responsibility of the author of the article.

The Six Pillars of Character…

The Six Pillars of Character in 21st Century Newbery Award Books


The purpose of this qualitative content analysis was to determine how the The Six Pillars of Character as defined by the Character Counts! Curriculum are exemplified in 21st century Newbery Award books (2000- 2010). A team of 5 reader/coders, all experienced educational professionals, examined each of the 11 titles in order to investigate opportunities to explore with students the Six Pillars values of caring, citizenship, fairness, trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility. Data collection consisted of frequency counts for positive and negative examples of the characteristics. Coders also responded with rich description in their evaluation of themes and the suitability of each book for use in character education. In the report of findings, for each novel a focused summary is provided that references character themes in the text. Interviews with the books’ authors, as well as recommendations for classroom use by the team of expert readers supply additional practical resources for classroom teachers using literature to teach character education. The researcher sought to answer the overarching questions: Are 21st century Newbery Award books valuable resources for use in character education? Do these books provide opportunities to explore universal values defined as the Six Pillars of Character in the Character Counts! Curriculum?

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