Elijah & Elisha: Holy Friendship, Holy Fire

Elijah & Elisha: Holy Friendship, Holy Fire is the 11th in a series of in-depth, inductive Bible studies designed to be used by small groups or individuals. Discipleship resources created by CrossWise Living Ministries are designed to promote intergenerational ministry and mentoring relationships.
About the study
“Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah…So he did what the Lord had told him.” 1 Kings 17:2,5
Whether he was boldly confronting the evil King Ahab, hiding at the Kerith Brook, or triumphantly calling down the fire of judgment on Mt. Carmel, Elijah’s obedience to God was unwavering. Declaring that the Lord God of Israel was alive, he fearlessly challenged Ahab and Jezebel to repent of having led the nation astray through idolatry. Elijah’s constant awareness of the presence of God enabled him to move in power and prevail in prayer. He had no doubt that God was with him: with him in the wilderness, with him in the fire, with him in the gentle whisper, with him in his time of despair, and with him in the gift of Elisha’s friendship. This 8-week study of the prophets Elijah and Elisha will help you grow in faith as you follow their example in courageously speaking and acting on the Word of God.